What is Diamond? & What is 4C?

  • A diamond can be defined as a valuable gemstone created by careful cutting and polishing of diamond ore.
  • The 4Cs cover a set of criteria that form the key characteristics used to evaluate and evaluate diamonds, including Cut, Clarity, Color and Carat Weight.

What Services Does Muun Diamond Offer for Diamonds?

  • Thanks to advances in science and technology, we now have the capacity to produce diamonds with chemical and physical properties identical to those found in nature. This offers diamond enthusiasts the opportunity to acquire larger, superior quality stones.

How Can You Identify a Lab-Grown Apple?

  • It is not possible to distinguish laboratory produced and natural diamonds with the naked eye. However, our team of experienced jewelery experts uses a variety of tools for accurate identification.
    uses expert techniques.

Durability of Laboratory Produced Products

  • Laboratory-produced products are distinguished by their remarkable durability and resistance. The crystalline structure, composed largely of carbon atoms, provides exceptional resistance to both abrasion and scratching. With careful care and solid preservation, laboratory-grown diamonds will maintain their sparkle and appeal for generations to come.

Guide to Protecting Your Precious Jewelry

  • Careful use is recommended. Dust, pollutants, and daily use can slightly diminish a gemstone's brilliance. Muun Diamond recommends periodic professional maintenance. Our highly trained staff will perform a thorough and meticulous cleaning of your jewelry, ensuring its lasting splendor.